A year of feminism
In a few days we say goodbye to 2022 and we will start making the typical lists of purposes, for that, it is important to honestly review what we have achieved and what we have not achieved during this year. In the feminist agenda we find ourselves in the same situation. Looking back at this 2022 we can undoubtedly say that the feminist revolution is the most successful in history. Without a doubt, we are advancing, and we are doing so with a firm step. We have seen hordes of women taking to the streets to protest the murder of Masha Amini in places where a simple haircut on Instagram was enough to face repression and repercussions, and in places where they have risked their lives to demand justice.
In Spain we have made progress with the Yes is Yes Law, but we have come across a sexist judicial system that has not yet been reformed and that interprets the law from an unsustainable patriarchal vision.
We have seen how a journalist asked the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin if the reason for the meeting with her Australian counterpart was the coincidence of ages and interests. Marin swallowed, breathed in, changed her facial expression and in the politest and least emotional way possible she tried to explain the long-time relations between the two countries and urged him to ask Biden or any other male president about their same age the exact same question.
Data indicates that sexist violence among young people is not only growing but also beginning to sweeten, as in youngsters ceasing to see things as invasive as for instance checking somebody elses’s mobile phone as a way of harassment, prohibiting having certain relationships with the excuse of jealousy and a thousand situations which we thought had already overcome.
We have seen it in the parliaments of all the countries where the right and the extreme right gather supporters by using fear to manipulate public opinion. We have seen how any progress made by women is questioned again, we mention positive discrimination, the fight against the wage gap, education in equality, the promotion of co-responsibility...
Quoting Simone de Beauvoir, who is someone to constantly have in mind, “Never forget that it only takes a political, economic, or religious crisis for women's rights to be questioned. These rights can never be taken for granted. You must remain vigilant throughout your life.”
2022 closes with fashionable feminism, welcome, but also with a growing wave of rejection that has precisely caused the rise of the same revolution. People who still resort to "neither machismo nor feminism" as if they were labelled as positioning themselves in an unreal and non-existent equality. Or those who continue to use terms such as "feminazi" in the face of any exacerbated expression in pursuit of regaining rights that, honestly, we have never had one hundred percent.
We are going to ask 2023 for more and better feminism, more and better equality, more and better distribution in all parts of the world, especially where a woman is still unable to make decisions for herself, still unable to decide, think, act or live Free.
We are half the world: “half the earth, half the sky, half the power”.
Written by Irene Sánchez Masegosa
Translated by Noèlia Ribó
Photo by Natalie Hua.
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