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Entrepreneurship to close the gender gap. ⁠

Writer's picture: Montse DomínguezMunllonchMontse DomínguezMunllonch

❊ Entrepreneurship to close the gender gap. ⁠

✓ Almost 1 in 5 women surveyed globally report an intention to start a business within the next three years, compared to 1 in 4 men (0.8 female-to-male ratio), the #GEMWomensReport21 finds. ⁠

✓ The highest levels of female entrepreneurship are in Middle East & Africa, with just over half of adult women in Angola, and more than a third in Togo, starting⁠ or running a new business, along with over one⁠ in five women in each of the Latin American⁠ economies, and Burkina Faso and Kazakhstan.⁠

11% of Women from 43 countries involved in entrepreneurship vs 14% of men.

Support growth-oriented women entrepreneurs. Women make a big impact today with limited support from local ecosystems. Imagine what they could do with support.

Support women entrepreneurs in male-dominated sectors. Negative stereotypes about women’s leadership ability are most often invoked in sectors where women are underrepresented.

Encourage women investors and women-focused investment. Investors miss good investment opportunities when they are swayed by gender stereotypes.

Develop better policy the directly supports women business owners. Policies that support small business and family care directly benefit both women and men business owners.

Entrepreneurship is an essential driver of societal health and wealth. It is also a formidable engine of economic growth. It promotes the essential innovation required not only to exploit new opportunities, promote productivity, and create employment, but to also address some of society’s greatest challenges, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the economic shock wave created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The promotion of entrepreneurship will be central to multiple governments worldwide for the foreseeable future, especially considering the significant negative impacts on economies due to the pandemic. Governments and other stakeholders will increasingly need hard, robust and credible data to make key decisions that stimulate sustainable forms of entrepreneurship and promote healthy entrepreneurial ecosystems worldwide.

Curator Munllonch⁠

Pic Mateus Campos Felipe⁠


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