❉ Female entrepreneurs in Kenya.
✔ Lack of access to finance (only 51% of women have bank accounts)
✔ unpaid work (household care)
✔ lack of information on business practices
✔ 60% of Kenyan women are more likely to become
widows before the age of 45

#coachabilityfoundation has a program (Madam Onditi, a Goat or a Sheep ?) to support a community of #widows in Pap Onditi, Kisumu County (Kenya).
adam Onditi a Goat or a Sheep Project. This is a revolving scheme intended to empower widows by giving a family a mature goat or sheep to rear. The family will own the animal but will give back to the project the second born to be given to another family. The family may be supported financially to put up a shelter for the animal.
For a further information visit the link
➸ Source:Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019
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