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Writer's pictureMontse Domínguez i Munllonch

Recommended Books. Fillos Do Vento by Ariadna Silva Fernández.

Updated: Mar 20, 2021

"Like photographs of Ariadna, they look at the past, transcends the emotion of life and love, but not entirely. Therefore, people will feel as if it were a village of flavors during the days of Rapa, the forms of the hair that these people sew and our fanatic revivir the connection between the home and the animal. When we see these images, we stop having a relationship with what happens, we discover that there is much more than what is seen with the naked eye and we understand that, finally, the atavistic is still there, hitting a city at the foot of it, aloitadores and beasts"

"As fotografías de Ariadna son a mirada máis alá do obvio, transcenden a emoción da baixa e da loita fera pero sempre nobre do curro. Por iso acadan facernos sentir o mesmo que se respira na aldea de Sabucedo durante os días da Rapa, da mesma forma que as crinas coas que se coseron estas páxinas nos fan revivir a conexión entre home e animal. Ao ver estas imaxes deixamos de ser alleos ao que acontece, descubrimos que hai moito máis do que se ve a simple vista e comprendemos finalmente que o atávico segue aí, latexando nun pobo aos pés do monte onde cada ano aloitadores e bestas pelexan para derrotar ao esquecemento"


Curator Munllonch


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