✺ Talk about us. France Unanimously Votes Gender Quotas For Executive Leadership.
After quotas on corporate boards spread across Europe in recent years, countries are now pointing their legislation at Executive leadership. Germany started the move in 2020, and now it’s France’s turn.
In a historic vote, France’s Parliament this week voted to introduce gender quotas on the Executive Teams and leadership pipelines of companies over 1,000 people. The targets set are 30% minimum of either gender by 2027, 40% by 2030.
The shift began a decade ago with Board quotas - set at 40% minimum of either gender - known as the Cope Zimmerman law. After being hotly debated, it caused a spectacular balancing, with the country’s CAC40 Boards catapulting from 10% women in 2009 to 45% by 2019.
That puts France in the lead amongst European countries, and in 2nd place worldwide on Board gender balance (after Iceland, which is at 46% women, 54% men).
The complexity of gender balancing is that it affects countries, companies and couples in an inter-dependent play of cause and effect. To implement balance sustainably, it takes a combination of public pressure and private sector adaptation.
By Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
Pic by Alexander Suhorucov
Source Forbes.
Curator @munllonch
#equityforall #genderquotas #quotas #copezimmermanlaw #copezimmerman
Source :
France Unanimously Votes Gender Quotas For Executive Leadership
The Impact of Gender Quotas on Votes for Women Candidates