Talk about us :DR. MAIRO MANDARA
An obstetrician-gynaecologist by training, Mairo Mandara works with the foundation’s Nigerian partners to help improve the lives of the country’s #poorestpeople Before joining the foundation, she served as a senior country advisor to Nigeria for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and as the Nigeria-based health systems advisor for the Earth Institute at Columbia University.
When people ask about my job, I tell them, “I work at the Gates Foundation to improve the lives of poor people, to show them #dignity, and provide support to help themselves out of poverty because every life has equal value.” It’s not about Bill. It’s not about #charity. It’s not about handouts. It’s about, as they say, teaching people how to fish.
Pic by Dra.Mairo Manda
Curator @munllonch
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