❖ International Day of Rural Women . Building rural women’s resilience in the wake of COVID-19”
Yet, rural women are labouring under acutely disadvantageous conditions. Already insufficient infrastructure and services in rural areas have been stretched to the limit; rural women’s invaluable care and productive work during the pandemic has burgeoned, in many places without clean and safe water, sanitation and hygiene, energy supply or healthcare services.
The more vulnerable subgroups face disproportionately negative impacts from COVID-19, which highlights the need for service providers to design services for the distinct profiles within larger livelihood groups. A first step is recognizing the three key segments of smallholder households: subsisting, commercializing and diversifying. From there, it is important to consider further distinctions by women’s life stage and prevailing social norms to understand and address the economic consequences of COVID-19.
Women have increased care responsibilities. Children are home from school, the seasonal migrations of other family members have been disrupted and when family members are sick, social norms direct the primary care-giving responsibilities to women. As a result, women have less time for agricultural activities, whether they feed the family or generate income.
We support a rural project ; to aim is to support a community of widows in Pap Onditi, Kisumu County (Kenya) called "Madam Onditi, a Goat or a Sheep ?"
❉ If you want to know more about our project, please visit our link
Pic by CDC phil.cdc.gov

Curator @munllonch