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Laurence des Cars, the new director of the Louvre Museum.

Writer's picture: Montse DomínguezMunllonchMontse DomínguezMunllonch

⁠For the First Time Ever, the Louvre Will Be Led by a Woman.⁠Laurence des Cars.⁠

⁠For the first time since its creation in 1793 in the wake of the French Revolution, the Musée du Louvre will be headed by a woman, Laurence des Cars, the current head of the Musée d’Orsay and the much smaller Musée de l’Orangerie.⁠

The truth is that women have never been treated equally in the art world, and today they remain dramatically underrepresented and undervalued in museums, galleries, and auction houses.

Women make up a majority of professional art museum staff; despite recent gains, they remain underrepresented in leadership positions.⁠

Women still occupy fewer directorships at museums with budgets over $15 million, holding 30% of art museum director positions and earning 75¢ for every dollar earned by male directors.

In France, for example, women constitute 52% of all Performing Arts students. However, they comprise only 31% of practicing artists, 11% of programmed artists and hold only 18% of managerial positions in these sectors. Only 4 - 12% of art awards have been granted to women since 1980. ( UE, 2021)

Music: In Europe, women represent 20% or less of registered composers and songwriters and, on average, earn 30% less than men working within the sector (Women in Music, 2019).

Theatre: In Ireland, women are underrepresented in every theatre role studied, with the exception of costume designers. Only 28% of script authors, 9% of sound designers and 37% of directors are women (WakingtheFeminists, 2017).

Circus: In Spain, the employment of women is notably reduced in companies that are economically stronger. 80% of artists on stage are men, versus 20% women. Show directors are nearly all men (APCC, 2019).

Visual arts: Artwork by female artists represented only 3 - 5% of major permanent collections in Europe and the United States (USA) in 2017. At the same time, only 13.7% of living artists represented by galleries in Europe and North America are women (National Museum of Women in the Arts (USA), 2019).

All citizens, regardless of their sex, gender identity and expression, sex characteristics, sexual identity; racial or ethnic origin, age, religion or belief and any disability, must be able to pursue their chosen path in life and have equal opportunities to thrive, participate and lead.

Curator Munllonch

Pic by :

Andrew Neel

Alain Jocard/Agence France-Presse Getty Images⁠

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