Noeline Kirabo is a passion driven Social Entrepreneur with a commitment to unlocking potential among young people.
She is a Published Author, International Speaker, Life Coach, Certified Trainer and Motivational Speaker.
She has over fifteen years’ work experience in the nonprofit sector mainly working with children, youth, women and community initiatives. She also has eight years of active practice as a counseling psychologist and six years’ experience as a personal and business development consultant.
She is the Founder and Executive Director of Kyusa. -A registered organization that restores hope and dignity to vulnerable youth through livelihood development; by empowering them to turn their passion into profitable, sustainable businesses.
Noeline is the Co-Founder of Newen Consults, a personal and business development consulting firm. She has had the privilege of consulting for some outstanding companies.
Noeline has been recognized for her work and was awarded with the Rotary Vocational Service Award in 2019 by Rotary Uganda and Dewey Winburne Community Service Award in 2014 by South By South West in Austin, Texas.
Noeline is a proud alumni of Acumen East Africa, SIMP Africa, Community Solutions Program, MIT-D Lab Eco-system Builders, Kanthari and YALI East Africa.
Enjoy the video. Questions to undercover your passion.
Despite being a school dropout, Ugandan Noeline Kirabo forged an education via libraries and free online courses, pursuing a dream to cultivate potential in others. Through education, she seeks to inspire young entrepreneurs struggling against the violence and crime of the Kampala slums.
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