Today, we had a great day. We came to take a bath and pray.My family is my beacon,my aim,my realization but it is not fashion to say that.I know that people could think that I am a very conservative person. But sometimes, I think about what is the most real thing in the world, the love. Love to oneself and love to the others. And in my case it is my family, I decided it. However I can understand wide meaning of this term. Your family is that you have decided with people that you have chosen them. Independly if they are bloodline.Whoever that you consider them. So,create your “own” family and love i.
Jaipur, India.
Hoy pasamos un gran día.Vivimos a bañarnos y a rezar.Mi familia es mi faro, mi objetivo, mi realización , aunque no esté de moda decirlo.Sé que la gente podría pensar que soy una persona muy conservadora. Pero a veces pienso qué es lo más real del mundo, el amor. Amor por uno mismo y amor por el otro. Y en mi caso es mi familia así lo decidí. Sin embargo entiendo la amplitud del término. Tu familia es aquella que has decidido que sea,con aquellas personas que has escogido.Independientemente si son de sangre. Con quienes consideres que sean; crea tu propia familia, y ámala.
Jaipur, India.