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Talk about us. What may bring about real change in the world? CREATIVITY.⠀

Pastora Sorensen

📍Talk about us. What may bring about real change in the world? CREATIVITY.⠀ ⠀

In 2006 Sir Ken Robinson gave a talk on TED which has been viewed by more than 57 million people! You might be wondering what the topic was, well surprisingly it was creativity. Surprisingly I say because it’s not a topic people often like to talk about. It’s just too abstract and it’s something that seems to belong in the artistic world. A world we often think is only for a chosen few.⠀ ⠀ 📌Robinson says during his talk ‘ My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status’ ⠀ ⠀ If we truly want to change things in this very complex world that we now live in, we really need to start with education. Stimulating children and adults when they are daring to be creative. I once read that education comes from the word ‘educe’ which means to draw out what is already latent within us and not ‘stuff’ us with information to memorize and regurgitate. It’s hard to believe that this kind of education can lead to change. We need creative thinkers and doers. Most importantly as Robinson says in his talk, we have to dare to make mistakes and transform them into tools for real change.⠀ ⠀

Written by Pastora Sorensen⠀ ⠀



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