♡ Team, Irene Jezabel Sánchez Masegosa. Introducing our volunteer content writer, but better presenting herself - Thanks for collaborating with us!
✿ Feminist, republican, commie. Mother, journalist, writer and head of communications and image in a press office department specialized in politics.

✲ I participate because, for years, the patriarchy in which we live has alienated us, and they have told us that each woman is alone, at home, taking care of her children, they have taught us not to make groups, and to criticize and to judge one another. It is the time for us to join, it is the time for sorority to know that we are not women, but us.
Because we are all one, what happens to one happens to all of us and together we can end this system. That is why, when it is about helping to empower women, I will always want to collaborate with all the causes.
Pic by Irene _Jezabel Sánchez Masegosa
Translated by Noèlia Ribó
#coachabilityfoundation #coachability #equalgender #femaleemployees #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurmindset #mothersentrepreneur #workingmums #ceomums #entrepreneurmums #mums #mommy #entrepreneurmommy #mum #feminist #commie #journalist #writer #headofcommunication #politics #irenejezbelsanchezmasegosa