Globally, women generate 37 percent of global GDP despite accounting for 50 percent of the global working-age population.

The global average contribution to GDP masks large variations among regions. The share of regional GDP output generated by women is only 17 percent in India, 18 percent in the Middle East and North Africa, 24 percent in South Asia (excluding India), and 38 percent in Western Europe. In North America and Oceania, China, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the share is 40 to 41 percent.
A truly inclusive company would look like in the future applying ( at least ) this three attributes in own organization:
Empowered. Instead of “command and control,” everyone is empowered and has the ability to shape the future.
Caring and safe. The environment is no-fear, nonhierarchical, and nonviolent.
Respectful. Women are considered peers; everyone has the same share of voice and can be heard by all.
We invite you to expand the information, watching this video.
SOURCE : McKinsey
Curator : Munllonch
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