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Womenpreneur Project. Introducing entrepreneur Sarah Mike

Updated: May 23, 2023

Introducing entrepreneur Sarah Mike, Founder and Head of the Project Friends of Mother Nature in Nithi County, Kenia, for Womenpreneur Project by Coachability Foundation.

Sarah is such a praiseworthy and exemplary woman. In her own words, she is the vision carrier of the dreams of a whole women’s community. She is so positively ambitious in her goals and her will is so strong that one surely knows that she will achieve anything she envisions. Her idea was born to close the gaps regarding female illiteracy, dependency on men, subordination and abuse they suffer. And her way to do that is by providing farming resources for economical income as well as educational, social and IT knowledge to embrace a strong present and future community.

Visit Coachability Foundation YouTube Channel for the whole videos with her talking about Friends of Mother Nature Project, her challenges, and her willingness to improve women’s lives.

What a humbling experience it’s been to talk to her!

Womenpreneur project, what is for ?

A womenpreneur is a female entrepreneur who starts and runs her own business enterprise. Womenpreneurs are women who have the courage, determination, and vision to turn their business ideas into reality. They are women who are passionate about their work, have a strong sense of purpose, and are driven to succeed.

Womenpreneurs face many challenges in starting and running their own businesses, including access to financing, managing work-life balance, and breaking through gender stereotypes and biases. However, despite these challenges, women entrepreneurs continue to make significant contributions to the economy and society as a whole.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of supporting and empowering women entrepreneurs. Governments, organizations, and communities around the world are developing initiatives and programs to provide womenpreneur with the resources, training, and support they need to succeed in their businesses.

Pic by Sara Mikes.

Written by Noèlia Ribó.

Journalists Noèlia Ribó and Oudjah Fetter Simpa.


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