
Interviewing to womenpreneur.
An up-close and personal view of women creating power.
An approach to a wide range of women from all over the world who once decided to become entrepreneurs and to follow their guts and break the rules. We love challenges and breaking rules of the expected, and we love the power of women doing so, these are our women:
& Start with awareness

❝ The main goal is to inspire and facilitate women farmers in adapting agroforestry to increase their farm’s climate
resilience, productivity, and fertility while regenerating degraded land through training ❞
Vegetation, soil, and people currently suffer from the detrimental impacts of overgrazing, deforestation, and climate change in almost all counties of the country. To counteract these liabilities, the local NGO with Coachability Foundation intends to present an effective solution: Regenerative Agroforestry. With our Model Farm and Model School, we will promote a stainable, climate-resilient production systems that regenerate land with the help of trees and climate-smart agriculture.
The adverse impacts of climate change on crop production in the project target communities are daring. The shrinking growing season is characterized by dry spells and erratic rains. With declining soil fertility, crop yields are poor which translates to low incomes and poverty. Other environmental problems such as deforestation and forest degradation, unsustainable charcoal and fuel wood production and bush fires/fire hunting among others are rife in these communities.
Climate risks to cropping are expected to increase in particularly in these low-income communities where adaptive capacity is weaker. The target project communities are under threat from climate change.
We will design and implement a Model Farm utilizing Regenerative Agroforestry to pilot, refine, and showcase different systems suitable for the local context. The focus lies on exemplifying the practice’s benefits to women farmers. Within the already existing local- team, an educational program (Model School) will be put in place to facilitate capacity-building and knowledge creation.
The project will empower livelihoods of local communities through the promotion of innovative agroforestry models and mechanisms for conservation of the target community and enhanced adaptive capacity. This will therefore be achieved through the below mentioned specific objectives:
• To stimulate the adoption of climate smart agriculture through field demonstrations.
•To increase the diversification of livelihoods of people in the communities.
•To enhance knowledge, trigger attitudinal and behavioral change through sensitization and awareness creation.
•To initiate tree planting programs within the target community as well as surrounding schools.
•To enhance carbon stocks (woodlots, trees on farms, trees on school compounds).
Our project is the best of the possible solutions as it will strengthen climate resilience across all four dimensions of food security: availability, access, stability, and utilization. Specifically, it will promote precision agriculture, improved extension services on climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices, and a pilot initiative to promote agroecology to improve climate resilience as well as increase income base for the targeted women farmers.
Total cost of the project 960,449.58 Kenyan Shillings or 8.000€
Project director: Montse Domínguez i Munllonch